A birthday party in a beautiful woodland setting, a party that you and your friends will remember.
Some example packages and prices are listed below, any package can be adjusted to suit your particular likes and dislikes.
Please phone or email with the date you would like.

 Woodland Birthday Party:

A fun packed 3 hours after school or weekend afternoon.

This package is aimed at primary and year 7-8 secondary school age children.

A couple of parents from the party group should stay to help supervise the young people and enjoy a complimentary hot drink and food.

Bring up to 14 friends to join you and your brothers and sisters to enjoy the experience of fire lighting, den building and cooking a meal on an open fire.

Itinerary includes; a woodland walk, try your hand at lighting a fire with a flint and steel, cook some marshmallows or bread dampers on the fire you made, enjoy some burgers, sausages and a hot drink all prepared on an open fire, maybe have some ice cream and finish off by sharing your birthday cake with some of your best friends.


 Survival Birthday Party

A party aimed at slightly older children, years 9-11 are going to have a great time with this package.

A couple of parents from the party group should stay to help supervise the young people and enjoy complimentary hot drink and food.

Some of the skills you will try to master include; fire lighting with a flint and steel, also have a go with a home made bow drill, (a bit like Tom Hanks in Castaway). Build a great den.

Learn which type of wood to use when cooking on a fire, we will show you which poisonous wood to avoid. Cook burgers and sausages for lunch then whittle some sticks to roast the huge supply of marshmallows.

Hot chocolate with more marshmallows, ice cream and birthday cake to finish.

Please supply your own birthday cake, all other foods and snacks and drinks are included.

Activity Birthday Party

An activity themed party, suitable for children, teens and adults.

The woods are set up with a range of activities;

Tree climbing using ropes and harnesses.

Slack lines to test your balance.

Field Sports such as Archery and Air Rifle target shooting

A couple of parents from the party group should stay to help supervise children and teens.

Supervisory adults enjoy a complimentary hot drink and food.

Learn which type of wood to use to cook with, avoiding poisonous wood. Whittle some sticks to roast the huge supply of marshmallows, plenty of sausages and burgers cooked on the fires.

Hot chocolate with more marshmallows, ice cream and birthday cake to finish. 

 Please supply your own birthday cake, all other foods and snacks and drinks are included.

Bushcraft Birthday Party:

This itinerary is for the older (16+ teen) or any adult.

Smaller groups for older teens and adults. This programme can be adapted to include a wide range of bushcraft skills and can be either a half or whole day of activity.

The day will be tailored to your requirements and will be discussed with you in detail to ensure you get the party you want on your birthday.

For a half day we suggest you start with fire lighting using flint and steel or a simple bow drill, instruction on the safe use of axe and saw, to produce fire wood, how to make and use a bow drill to light a fire, making and baking bread to have with the burgers and sausages cooked on the fire.

Hot drinks from water heated on a second fire are available all morning.

To continue for the afternoon and make this a full day we suggest some shelter building, either using natural resources or trying various techniques to make a suitable shelter out of a small tarpaulin, good enough to keep you dry overnight.

Finish the day with some more cooking, tea and of course your birthday cake.

  Prices and booking